“On behalf of the Company, I would like to sincerely thank you for your remarkable support during these 30 months.
Your knowledge of similar large scale acquisitions and your human skills have tremendously helped our Group to overcome our difficulties and succeed this transformational integration
As said on many occasions, we faced 5 major risks when we started our integration project: i) target was as large as us, ii) its sales were declining, iii) its culture and language were different from ours iv) its operation were not autonomous and still depended on the seller after the acquisition, v) we had to overcome these first four challenges with a staff that has never experienced a significant acquisition
Notwithstanding all the above, after 30 months, not all is 100% achieved but the major challenges are reached : Congratulations to you and to all the people who relentlessly helped Guerbet in achieving that superb goal”.
Yves L’Epine
CEO / Directeur Général